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What chains are supported at the moment?

Ethereum, Ropsten, and Rinkeby. Reach out to us if you would like to use Gomu SDK for other chains!

What license is the Gomu SDK under?

The Gomu SDK is open-source and is available under the MIT license.

What are maker-taker order types and how do they represent buy and sell orders?

A maker order is an order that is placed on the order book and is not immediately matched with an existing order. A taker order is an order that is placed and is immediately matched with an existing order.

  • Every NFT order that does not immediately transfer the NFT can be represented by a maker order. In the case of the SDK user making a sell-order, the makerAsset is the NFT, and the takerAsset is the ERC20 token in question. (e.g. WETH or USDC)
  • This is the converse for an SDK user making an NFT buy-order. The makerAsset is the ERC20 token, and the takerAsset is the NFT.

Because Opensea and 0x and other marketplaces support a wide variety of ERC20 (for example, WETH or DAI) pairs to sell NFTs to, we've supported a generic maker-taker interface so users can have flexibility in choosing what denomination they buy in or sell to.