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Gomu SDK overview

The Gomu SDK aims to be the best way for you to interact with the blockchain. Our SDKs make it easy to implement the high-value actions you want on various blockchains, in a matter of minutes. For NFTs, an important set of actions are found around commerce - either placing orders on multiple marketplaces, or transacting multiple tokens (for example, sweeping the floor), or via p2p swaps.

Our SDK will let you:

  • Make NFT transactions with a few lines of code
  • Make orders across multiple marketplaces (e.g. Opensea, 0x) in a single call

Right now, the Gomu SDK is still in beta and the API is likely to change until we reach v1.0. We would love your feedback so as to improve the SDK and cover more use-cases that are important to you. Our Github repository can be found here.


If you have any feedback on any SDK function (such as throwing unexpected errors), please email [email protected]. Every email is read! But should you already be in one of our Slack channels, feel free to ping us there as well, Gomu is committed to making users of our APIs/SDKs successful.