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Verifying ownership of an NFT

🕵️ "I want to verify the ownership of an NFT"

With Gomu's nftsByToken API call, one can quickly and easily verify the ownership of an NFT. By simply providing the NFT's contractAddress (and optionally tokenId), you can confirm which account owns the NFT(s) in question. You can also view any associated off-chain data, such as the NFT's image or metadata.


"data": [
"contractAddress": "0xed5af388653567af2f388e6224dc7c4b3241c544",
"tokenId": "6954",
"contract": {
"chain": "ethereum",
"address": "0xed5af388653567af2f388e6224dc7c4b3241c544",
"owner": "0x937af09bd43bd2601b21d68f5a5b7fdad45795cc",
"minter": "0x25d0cff8c47f33b32192b3ea9824ac1bc550bd43",

👀 "I want to see what NFTs an account holds"

With Gomu's nftsByWallet or nftsSummaryByWallet API calls, by providing any address in question, you can confirm what NFTs an account address holds. You can also view any associated off-chain data, such as the NFT's image or details.

🧑‍🎨 "I want to see the ownership history of an NFT"

Gomu's "transfer by token" endpoint (transfersByToken) provides a complete history of each NFT back to the mint event, and you can check the history of ownership up to its present owner, as well as find how many times it has changed hands and at what commercial value. Additionally, the original minter is captured in the minter field. Additionally, one can filter transfers by block number (transfersByBlock), transfers by timestamp (transferByTimestamp) and transfers by wallet (transfersByWallet) or between any two wallets (transfersBetweenWallet). Each transfer represents an on-chain event which also contains a classification of the market the transaction took place on.