Orderbook Snapshot
Provide us with a contract address to receive all orders for all token ids associated with this contract address.
Query Parameters
- contractAddress string required
contractAddress/ENS address to query
- limitPerTokenId number
The maximum number of orders to show per tokenId. Defaults to 1
- limit integer
number of items to return, maximum 30, default 30.
- offset number
Offset for pagination purposes.
- tokenIds string[]
tokenId to filter for (mint to filter for solana). Can be multiple tokens, comma separated (max 30). If this field is defined but empty, an empty result will be returned
- traits string[]
traits to filter for, format: type-value. Can be multiple tokens, comma separated (max 30). If this field is defined but empty, an empty result will be returned
- side string
If provided, we will only return orders for this side. Either 'ask' or 'bid'
- reverseSortCriteria boolean
If true, we will return asks sorted by price ascending and bids sorted by price descending. Defaults to false
- marketplaces string[]
marketplaces to filter for. Can be multiple marketplaces, comma separated, non-case-sensitive. If this field is defined but empty, an empty result will be returned
- priceFilter string[]
Filter items returned by lowest ask. Use comma separated values of the form <currency>,<min>,<max>. Not case-sensitive. Must always have 2 commas
Example (both):ETH,10,15
Example (minOnly):ETH,5,
Example (maxOnly):DAI,,20
- 200
asks object[] required
The active asks for tokens of this contract address in ascending order of value
- tokenId string required
The token id for which this offer was made
- paymentToken string required
The contract address of the currency for this order
- paymentTokenSymbol string required
The human readable currency for this order
- price number required
The unit price for this order
- basePrice string required
The unit price for this order
- expiryDate date-time
The expiration date of this offer
- marketplace string required
The marketplace these orders were from
- quantity number required
The quantity of tokens for this order
- orderType string required
The type of this order. Could be one of: "basic": A buy/sell now order, "dutch": A descending price auction, "sudoswap pool": A pool in sudoswap where the price will change upon buying from/selling to this pool
bids object[] required
The active bids for tokens of this contract address in descending order of value
- tokenId string required
The token id for which this offer was made
- paymentToken string required
The contract address of the currency for this order
- paymentTokenSymbol string required
The human readable currency for this order
- price number required
The unit price for this order
- basePrice string required
The unit price for this order
- expiryDate date-time
The expiration date of this offer
- marketplace string required
The marketplace these orders were from
- quantity number required
The quantity of tokens for this order
- orderType string required
The type of this order. Could be one of: "basic": A buy/sell now order, "dutch": A descending price auction, "sudoswap pool": A pool in sudoswap where the price will change upon buying from/selling to this pool